References and Resources: Policing, Punishment, and Prisons in Germany
Visit here for links to sources and resources featured in Justice Collective’s Instagram educational series, “Why We Need Abolition: Policing, Punishment, and Prisons in Germany”, based on its report with the Komitee für Grundrechte und Demokratie.
German government coalition agreement: What does it say about the criminal legal system and anti-racism?
Analysis of Germany’s coalition agreement on issues of policing, punishing, and anti-racism.
Election Analysis: Germany’s political parties on policing and criminalization
Responses to questions posed to the German political parties ahead of this weekend’s election by Netzwerks Abolitionismus and Hydra suggest a growing understanding by some parties of the harms of punitive social policy. But comprehensive and bold solutions are lacking.
Punishment in Europe: A Snapshot
Analyzing existing research, Justice Collective provides a snapshot of harmful punishment practices across Europe. Our report counters assumptions that states in Europe do not punish very much and that they are free from structural racism in their courts.